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Dr. Mark Molos has been practicing clinical Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in private practice since 1986. He began providing medical-legal chart reviews, depositions and trial testimony since the early 1990's.

Cases involved Defense and Plaintiff in the following areas:

1. Upper GI
Esophageal perforation related to Esophageal Dilation, ERCP, & FB Foreign Body; UGI Bleed; Complications of Gastrostomy Feeding Tubes; Complications of EGD; Failure to properly perform Esophageal Dilation; Failure to timely diagnose and Treat Gastric Perforation; Gastric Perforation associated with Para Esophageal Hiatal Hernia; Gastric Ulcer with Perforation

2. Small Bowel
Failure to Diagnose Crohn's Disease; Failure to treat IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease using Imuran; Small Bowel Obstruction; Mesenteric ischemia of Small Intestine

3. Colon
Complications of Colonoscopy to include Colon Perforation due to Mechanical, Instrument and Pneumatic (air insufflation) etiologies; Complications of Colonoscopy leading to Splenic Laceration; Lower GI Bleed; Mesenteric ischemia of Colon; Ogilvie's Syndrome; Failure to diagnose Colon Cancer; Failure to diagnose Anal Cancer; Diverticulitis with delayed Diagnosis of Colon Perforation; Chronic Ulcerative Colitis

4. Pancreas
Failure to Diagnose and Treat Pancreatitis; Complications of ERCP

5. Liver
Drug Induced Hepatitis; Hepatic laceration during treatment of Diverticulitis

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