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Primary Area of Expertise

Intellectual Property Damages

Expert Witness Profile

Doug Bania is the founding principal of Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants. Nevium is an intellectual property consulting firm specializing in IP valuation, damages, licensing, and monetization. Mr. Bania has been the named expert for over 120 cases, deposed 36 times, and has provided trial testimony 10 times. Mr. Bania is a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). He is an INTA Trademark Reporter (TMR) Committee member. He is also an American Bar Association (ABA) Copyright & Social Media Committee member.

Mr. Bania specializes in analyzing defamation, copyright, trademark, publicity rights, social media and internet infringement, licensing customs and practices, and royalty rate determinations. Mr. Bania also provides valuation and monetization strategies for trademarks, trade secrets, publicity rights, domain names, internet and social media assets, brands, copyrights, and other intangible assets for financial reporting, bankruptcy and transactional due diligence.

Education & Licenses

Certified Licensing Professional (CLP)