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Expert Bio

Primary Area of Expertise

Emergency Medicine

Expert Witness Profile

Dr. Hill is an emergency medicine specialist with over 25 years of clinical, administrative, business leadership and academic experience. Dr. Hill has successfully held a series of positions relevant to the knowledge required for expert case review. These include the positions of Chief Medical Office, VP of Medical Staff Affairs and Peer Review, Emergency Medicine Corporate President, and Hospital CEO.

Dr. Hill is a highly qualified case review specialist. Dr. Hill has been and continues to be a well-respected specialist under consultation for the Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL), Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, State of Michigan, Dr. Hill has completed over 150 case reviews. All conclusions made following these reviews have not required retraction or significant correction. Finally, Dr. Hill’s expertise by specialty review include emergency medicine, critical care, psychiatry and primary care.

Education & Licenses

Board Certified in Emergency Medicine, Masters in Medical Management