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Expert Bio

Primary Area of Expertise

Indoor Air Quality

Expert Witness Profile

William is a practicing PhD chemist with extensive experience in analytical service and device manufacturing roles, including director, liaison, and key contributor positions. He possesses practical expertise in chemistry, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, and chemistries for point-of-care clinical and life science markets. As the Founder of Air by CCSquared, an advanced air testing laboratory, William has full access to cutting-edge instrumentation for casework. His proven track record includes developing strategies and solutions that yield positive, measurable results for clients.

One notable case involved simulating a client's exposure to a dry-cleaning fluid used on a carpet in their home, which resulted in serious health effects requiring hospitalization and long-term treatment. By fitting a living space with chemical vapor sensors and replicating the cleaning process, William gathered critical data and crafted a scientific argument that led to a successful settlement.

William excels in collaborating with legal and other professionals to achieve mission-critical objectives and is known for his excellent documentation skills and clear explanations of technical subjects. He understands that his specialized knowledge needs to be conveyed effectively to be of any use. Whether you need expert witness testimony, data analysis, or consultation, William offers unparalleled expertise and reliability.

With his unique blend of scientific knowledge and practical experience, William is the expert you need to navigate complex environmental and chemical exposure cases as well as those that involve point-of-care medical devices.

Education & Licenses

PhD Chemistry