Rep. Barney Frank, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, invoked images of the Wild West in blasting efforts by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to repeal the financial overhaul bill passed last year.

Supporters of the effort “yearn to return to the thrilling days of yesteryear, so the loan arrangers can ride again-untrammeled by any rules restraining irresponsibility, excess, deception, and most of all, infinite leverage,” Frank (D-Mass.) said in a statement.

Bachmann introduced the measure, HR 87, yesterday and so far it has four cosponsors.

Frank said the measure shows that the GOP is going back on its pledge not to enact policies that will bring additional uncertainty to the economy.

Read the complete story, “Frank Criticizes Effort to Repeal Financial Overhaul Bill.” is a Summit Business Media website.

Read more InsideCounsel and stories about Dodd-Frank.

Rep. Barney Frank, the top Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, invoked images of the Wild West in blasting efforts by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to repeal the financial overhaul bill passed last year.

Supporters of the effort “yearn to return to the thrilling days of yesteryear, so the loan arrangers can ride again-untrammeled by any rules restraining irresponsibility, excess, deception, and most of all, infinite leverage,” Frank (D-Mass.) said in a statement.

Bachmann introduced the measure, HR 87, yesterday and so far it has four cosponsors.

Frank said the measure shows that the GOP is going back on its pledge not to enact policies that will bring additional uncertainty to the economy.

Read the complete story, “Frank Criticizes Effort to Repeal Financial Overhaul Bill.” is a Summit Business Media website.

Read more InsideCounsel and stories about Dodd-Frank.