Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Wyoming and Maine won permission to join a Florida lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health-care reform legislation.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Florida, yesterday granted the states' motion for permission to be added to the lawsuit filed last year by then-Florida Attorney General Bill McCollom, bringing the total of plaintiff states to 26.

“The addition of six new states to our bipartisan legal challenge reflects broad, nationwide concern about the constitutionality of this sweeping and unprecedented federal legislation,” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said in a press statement.

Read the full Bloomberg story, “Ohio, Wisconsin, Four More States, Join Challenge to Obama Health Care.”

Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Wyoming and Maine won permission to join a Florida lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health-care reform legislation.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Florida, yesterday granted the states' motion for permission to be added to the lawsuit filed last year by then-Florida Attorney General Bill McCollom, bringing the total of plaintiff states to 26.

“The addition of six new states to our bipartisan legal challenge reflects broad, nationwide concern about the constitutionality of this sweeping and unprecedented federal legislation,” Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said in a press statement.

Read the full Bloomberg story, “Ohio, Wisconsin, Four More States, Join Challenge to Obama Health Care.”