The National Football League filed an unfair labor practices complaint against its players' union with the National Labor Relations Board, the latest dispute between the two sides involving negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement.

The NFL said the NFL Players Association isn't bargaining in good faith on a new contract, using delays to “run out the clock” on talks before disbanding the union and suing the league under antitrust law for colluding to restrict players' pay. The NFLPA said the league's claim has “absolutely no merit.”

The NFL's current labor deal expires March 3 and the union has said it expects the league to lock out players. The NFL has asked the NLRB — a federal agency that enforces U.S. labor laws — for clarification on the rules governing the union's potential use of antitrust laws to block a lockout.

Read the complete Bloomberg story, “NFL Files Unfair-Labor Practices Complaint Against Union in Contract Talks.”

Read an story about the NFL's labor disputes.