The ongoing saga between Jamie Leigh Jones and KBR, a defense contractor and former subsidiary of Halliburton, isn't over yet.

Jones said that while she was working as an employee for KPR in Baghdad in 2005, she was gang raped by company employees. She sued KBR, claiming the company did not provide a safe enough work environment.

Last month, a Houston jury sided with KBR, saying Jones wasn't raped while in Baghdad. Now, the company is asking that she pay its legal fees, claiming her accusations of rape were frivolous. According to court documents, the company is seeking up to $2 million in fees.

InsideCounsel has closely followed this case because it raised questions about arbitration clauses. The company tried to prevent Jones from suing over the alleged rape because she had signed an employment contract that required all disputes to be privately arbitrated. Despite that contract, in late 2009 the 5th Circuit said she may sue KBR.

Wall Street Journal Law Blog has more on this story.