Summit Entertainment, the film studio that produced the Twilight series, is suing the owner of for illegally using the company's trademarks and copyrights.

Summit claims Tom Markson, the site's operator, is intentionally deceiving people who believe they are visiting the official series website, which is

Markson has posted illegitimate Twilight contests, casting calls and copyrighted material from Summit on his site, the company says. The studio also claims Markson is profiting from the website and, consequently, harming their business.

Summit filed suit in the U.S. District Court on Sept. 2, asking for all copyrighted material to be removed from the site, and money damages to be paid immediately.

Summit Entertainment, the film studio that produced the Twilight series, is suing the owner of for illegally using the company's trademarks and copyrights.

Summit claims Tom Markson, the site's operator, is intentionally deceiving people who believe they are visiting the official series website, which is

Markson has posted illegitimate Twilight contests, casting calls and copyrighted material from Summit on his site, the company says. The studio also claims Markson is profiting from the website and, consequently, harming their business.

Summit filed suit in the U.S. District Court on Sept. 2, asking for all copyrighted material to be removed from the site, and money damages to be paid immediately.