The saga of Chevron carries on, with a district court's Monday announcement that it would allow the oil giant to continue with its lawsuit against the U.S. legal adviser to Ecuador, Steven Donziger.

After an Ecuadorian court ordered Chevron to pay $18 billion in recompense for environmental damages, the company has scarcely rested. It filed a separate lawsuit in the U.S., accusing Ecuador of manufacturing evidence and influencing the court.

The district court dismissed most of Chevron's claims, including tortious interference, but is allowing the company to continue with racketeering and state law claims against Donziger. It also denied Chevron's request to attach more than $700 million worth of assets to cover any potential damages incurred in the racketeering case.

Read more on this decision in the Wall Street Journal.

Read more InsideCounsel coverage of Chevron's environmental struggles below:

Ecuadorian court rules Chevron must pay $9 billion for oil pollution

Chevron seeks records of alleged bribes in Ecuadorian oil pollution suit