Despite the fact that women now hold one-third of all jobs in the U.S. legal industry, the actual percentage of women associates is falling, according to new data from NALP, the Association for Legal Career Professionals.

The NALP reports that the total percent change in women partners over the past two decades has been “marginal.” In 1993, women accounted for 12.27 percent of law firm partners; in 2012, they comprised 19.91 percent of law firm partners.

And although women account for about 45 percent of associates at the country's law firms, that percentage has actually been falling since 2009, according to the NALP. James Leipold, NALP's executive directors, said in a statement that although the percent of minority associates has bounced back since the recession, “the overall representation of women associates has continued to decline.” He added that the continued decline in women associates is a “significant and troubling trend” because it could undermine the slight growth in women partners, therefore making it unsustainable.

Read more about the NALP's findings.

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Despite the fact that women now hold one-third of all jobs in the U.S. legal industry, the actual percentage of women associates is falling, according to new data from NALP, the Association for Legal Career Professionals.

The NALP reports that the total percent change in women partners over the past two decades has been “marginal.” In 1993, women accounted for 12.27 percent of law firm partners; in 2012, they comprised 19.91 percent of law firm partners.

And although women account for about 45 percent of associates at the country's law firms, that percentage has actually been falling since 2009, according to the NALP. James Leipold, NALP's executive directors, said in a statement that although the percent of minority associates has bounced back since the recession, “the overall representation of women associates has continued to decline.” He added that the continued decline in women associates is a “significant and troubling trend” because it could undermine the slight growth in women partners, therefore making it unsustainable.

Read more about the NALP's findings.

For more recent InsideCounsel stories about women in law, read:

Transformative Leadership Awards East Coast winners announced

Southwest Airlines GC announces retirement

One-third of U.S. lawyers are now women

Greenberg Traurig facing $200 million gender discrimination class action

50 best law firms for women named