Here's another reason to get more women in top legal positions at companies — they are far less likely to commit corporate fraud.

A recent study in the American Sociological Review looked at 83 cases of corporate fraud that occurred between 2002 and 2009. Of these cases, registered with the Department of Justice, three quarters were committed by men and men only. None of these conspiracies were orchestrated entirely by women, and when women were involved, they tended not to be the ringleaders.

Women also tended to steal less money, which is on one hand yet another situation where men are unfairly outearning women, but on the other hand, probably better for the companies being stolen from. Checks and balances. More than half of the women who were committing corporate fraud made very little or no money at all. On the flip side, 26 percent of male fraudsters made between $500,000 and $999,000, and 33 percent raked in more than $1 million.


Read more at Popular Science.

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