When GCs are asked what keeps them up at night, they often repeat the same sentiment: feds knocking on their doors because their clients are accused of possibly violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). With respected Fortune 500 companies under investigation for FCPA violation and corporate settlements with government agencies over actual violations making recent and regular headlines, these fears are well founded.

But the American Bar Association (ABA) is there to help. The association recently released the third edition of “The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook: A Practical Guide for Multinational General Counsel; Transactional Lawyers and White Collar Criminal Practitioners.”

Authored by Robert W. Tarun, a partner at Baker & McKenzie, the book focuses on the major risk areas associated with the FCPA and offers in-house counsel guidance on how to effectively manage those risks and conduct internal investigations.

During his research for the book, Tarun conducted investigations in more than 50 countries. The third edition updates more than 80 percent of the 1,020 pages to cover the latest developments in foreign corruption law.

“There's no question that FCPA enforcement, risk and compliance continue to be among the top issues on the minds of in-house counsel, and the recent attention on the DOJ-SEC Resource Guide speaks to the audience for greater clarity in this area,” Tarun said in an emailed statement. “The Handbook is designed to provide comprehensive and practical guidance to lawyers navigating the complex FCPA landscape, and we're pleased to offer this latest edition to the legal community.”  

For more information about the book or to purchase it, visit the ABA Web Store.


Read recent FCPA-related stories on InsideCounsel:

DOJ and SEC extend Microsoft's bribe investigation

Judge signs off on IBM foreign bribery settlement

Regulatory: Avoiding an FCPA or anti-bribery charge after uncovering corruption

GlaxoSmithKline admits executives may have violated Chinese law with bribes

Regulatory: Investigating potential bribery means looking beyond the FCPA

DOJ dusts off little-used Travel Act to strengthen FCPA prosecutions


When GCs are asked what keeps them up at night, they often repeat the same sentiment: feds knocking on their doors because their clients are accused of possibly violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). With respected Fortune 500 companies under investigation for FCPA violation and corporate settlements with government agencies over actual violations making recent and regular headlines, these fears are well founded.

But the American Bar Association (ABA) is there to help. The association recently released the third edition of “The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Handbook: A Practical Guide for Multinational General Counsel; Transactional Lawyers and White Collar Criminal Practitioners.”

Authored by Robert W. Tarun, a partner at Baker & McKenzie, the book focuses on the major risk areas associated with the FCPA and offers in-house counsel guidance on how to effectively manage those risks and conduct internal investigations.

During his research for the book, Tarun conducted investigations in more than 50 countries. The third edition updates more than 80 percent of the 1,020 pages to cover the latest developments in foreign corruption law.

“There's no question that FCPA enforcement, risk and compliance continue to be among the top issues on the minds of in-house counsel, and the recent attention on the DOJ-SEC Resource Guide speaks to the audience for greater clarity in this area,” Tarun said in an emailed statement. “The Handbook is designed to provide comprehensive and practical guidance to lawyers navigating the complex FCPA landscape, and we're pleased to offer this latest edition to the legal community.”  

For more information about the book or to purchase it, visit the ABA Web Store.


Read recent FCPA-related stories on InsideCounsel:

DOJ and SEC extend Microsoft's bribe investigation

Judge signs off on IBM foreign bribery settlement

Regulatory: Avoiding an FCPA or anti-bribery charge after uncovering corruption

GlaxoSmithKline admits executives may have violated Chinese law with bribes

Regulatory: Investigating potential bribery means looking beyond the FCPA

DOJ dusts off little-used Travel Act to strengthen FCPA prosecutions