In what can already be described as an “Ahab-ian” struggle, JPMorgan hopes to finally succeed in slaying its Moby Dick this week with a settlement that will close out probes around a derivative trading error and its subsequent cover-up that cost the company billions of dollars.

The bank has agreed to pay $100 million in settlements to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to close out a probe into the “London Whale” bet. The CFTC probes were an attempt to uncover any negligence within the management chain responsible for the incident but will now be halted. While the new settlement will rectify the probe from the CFTC, investigations by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are still pending.

In addition to the monetary compensation that JPMorgan will pay, Bloomberg has reported that the banking giant will also be required to admit to wrong doing in relation to the case. While many of these types of settlements allow banks to plead the Fifth Amendment when it comes to admission of guilt, there has been a recent trend to hold banks accountable and require them to admit they were at fault as a stipulation of a settlement.