The reality of corporate life is that litigation and legal transactions are always present. Nearly every business transaction requires legal review, and often assistance, from outside counsel. Once litigation becomes imminent, tracking how much money is being spent and which outside resources are being used become important and difficult tasks to manage. Modern matter management technology has made the chore of managing corporate legal matters far more effective and efficient. This article will review the benefits of matter management systems and how they can be effective in your legal department.

Matter tracking

Simply keeping track of active matters and who is working on them can be a complicated task. Matter management software provides a centralized approach to tracking which matters are in play and which resources are being used. Far beyond simple spreadsheets and word processing documents, matter management tools will help you keep track of all matters and their associated details. For example, if you have a litigation portfolio of 30 matters, modern matter management software will help you track how long each matter has been active, at which stage within litigation each matter lies, and which outside firms are assisting. Since these tools are centralized and accessible to appropriate individuals on your team, it is easy to stay organized and allow the proper employees access to the information.