Longford Capital has announced that former Morgan Stanley Vice Chairman and Co-CEO for Asia Pacific Region, Bill Strong, will join its team as chairman. Bill will bring 35 years of experience managing investment to Longford and will offer his support in bringing litigation finance options to more corporations. Strong's appointment will become effective May 1.

Litigation financing offers companies pursuing legitimate legal claims money upfront in exchange for a portion of the award or settlement stemming from a courtroom win.

“Bill is one of the most widely respected finance executives in the United States and overseas. His deep grasp of capital markets and trusted relationships within the global banking and investment communities will help us build on our strengths and accelerate the use of litigation finance as a powerful tool for companies involved in litigation. We expect Bill's active leadership to reinforce our position as an innovator in the commercial litigation finance industry,” said William P. Farrell, Jr., co-founder and managing director of Longford Capital.