Today, counterfeit products make up about eight percent of world trade, totaling a whopping $1.7 trillion, with much of the revenues from large-scale operations going to organized crime.

“As consumers shop more online, we have seen a corresponding increase in counterfeit products bought online,” explained Paul Brown, UL's (Underwriters Laboratories) Vice President of Intellectual Property & Litigation. “Products are no longer simply shipped on pallets to distributor, but are often shipped directly to consumers from sellers using online marketplaces. It is very challenging for online marketplaces with millions of sellers to completely know their supply chains and for consumers to know they are getting genuine products.”

Brown sat down with Inside Counsel for an exclusive interview on the latest trends in intellectual property crime and key players that are heavily affected, best practices for combating IP crime, and new tools and initiatives that are being implemented by law enforcement officials, and key considerations to help organizations and brands protect their IP and promote anti-counterfeiting