I am seeing more and more resumes with multiple employers over a short span of time. I'm not talking about contract roles, or law firms that merge or practice groups that move. Those are all situations where a resume might look confusing at first, but it makes sense, especially when someone has been working on an assignment basis. My two cents for law departments: if you like the candidate, do not hold that type of movement against him or her.

I want to focus on direct hire in-house positions with Senior Counsel, Assistant General Counsel, and even General Counsel titles. I recently reviewed a resume with six employers over a ten year period. Each move was logically explained. The reasons included an acquisition, moving geographically for family, and a “step up” opportunity for a better title at a financially more successful company. The attorney we were evaluating had terrific academics and excellent interviewing skills.

Moreover, we are in a tightening market for high quality experienced in-house counsel, especially those in specialized and in-demand subject matter areas. Let me share my initial reaction to this resume: 1. I thought this candidates's experience, qualifications and charisma were all good fits for the job we were filling. 2. My gut told me it was a bad idea. And it was. At some point, too much job hopping raises a red flag.