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The Legal Profession's Future Through Susskind's Prism

October 12, 2017

Law Firm Leaders React to Susskind's Take on Legal Education's Future

This month, ALM is publishing excerpts across several of our brands from the second edition of Richard Susskind's "Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction…
7 minute read

October 16, 2017 | Expert Opinion

Richard Susskind On In-House Lawyers Sharing Risks Through Fee Arrangements

Legal experts weigh in on bold predictions made by scholar Richard Susskind.
7 minute read

October 24, 2017

Parsing the Data as Susskind Warns of 'The End of Leverage'

Law firm leverage used to be simple: It was a way to make profits. Today, it's starting to create a headache.
6 minute read

October 17, 2017 | Commentary

Here's What Law Students Think of Susskind's Ideas on the Profession's Future

We asked a group of law students and a law grad focused the state of legal education what they think of Richard Susskind's tips for finding the right firm where they can build a future. They didn't hold back.
11 minute read

October 17, 2017 | Analysis

My Crystal Ball: Legal Grappling with How to Adopt Predictive Technology

Richard Susskind writes that through predictive technology, 'we might gain insight into the greatest legal risks that specific sectors face.' But a number of barriers still stand before widespread adoption.
9 minute read

October 27, 2017 | Commentary

Richard Susskind on Document Automation and Connectivity

Four years ago, Richard Susskind published the first edition of “Tomorrow's Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future.” With the rapid changes…
4 minute read

October 18, 2017 | Commentary

Susskind's Job Interview Advice for Law Students Misses Mark, Career Pros Say

In Richard Susskind's second edition of “Tomorrow's Lawyers,” he urges law students and recent graduates interviewing with law firms to ask hiring partners and firm leaders pointed questions about their firms' futures, including inquiries about long-term strategy and how they've integrated technology into their businesses. There's no argument that those details are important information for private practice lawyers.
12 minute read

October 24, 2017

Susskind on The Future for Law Firms and Leverage

Legal futurist Richard Susskind opines on the future for law firms in the latest installment of our serialization of his book Tomorrow's Lawyers.
5 minute read