By Mary Mullally
Shipping finance star Ian Gaunt is leaving Sinclair Roche & Temperley, hard on the heels of the departure of the heads of its Hong Kong and Shanghai offices.
Gaunt's departure from the firm coincides with senior partner Harvey Williams' announcement that he will retire from the partnership on 1 May.
A leading player in shipping finance, Gaunt has been a partner at the firm since 1980. Between 1994-97 he was managing partner of its operations in the Far East.
He will be leaving in April and would not reveal his future plans.
He said: "I have enjoyed working at Sinclair Roche and my role in developing the firm's strong ship finance practice. In many ways I will be sorry to go, however, I would now like to develop my career in a different context."
Earlier this month the firm announced the departure of Peter Murray, head of its Shanghai office, and Simon Taylor, head of Hong Kong.
Murray is remaining in Shanghai and will be joining Ince & Co in 2000. Adrian Clarke has been sent out to replace him in Shanghai.
Simon Taylor has returned to London. David Beaves who has overall responsibility for managing the Asia Pacific Region has replaced him.
Harvey Williams, who has been senior partner since 1995, will stand down on 1 May 1998 when he will be replaced by Struan Robertson.
Williams, who is 60 next month, will continue as a consultant. He said: "It is the firm's convention that the senior partner ceases to be a partner at 60. I shall remain totally committed to the firm."
Last July, the firm sold its 10-lawyer Singapore office to shipping rival Watson Farley Williams.