It is alleged in some quarters that there are some high-rolling corporate lawyers who are not averse to the odd Class A drug.
But fast-living City lawyers are not usually associated with cannabis, a drug more commonly connected with New Age crystal-carrying students and teenagers who cannot get into the local
off licence.
All the more reason then for Legal Democrat, the Journal of the Liberal Democrat Lawyers' Association, to publish an informative piece about the dreaded weed, which helpfully includes a list of "common" street names: "Pot, dope, grass, hash or shit."
Now, The Diary has long given up on drugs. But we still could not help noticing that the term "shit" was rather anachronistic.
If The Diary remembers correctly, wasn't the 60s the last time that any person ever used the word 'shit' to define cannabis, as in: "Hey, man, that was good shit."
Still Liberals are renowned for their long memories – given that their political heyday was nearer to the 1860s than the 1960s.