Who said the Yanks don't have a sense of humour. The ongoing staff lay-offs on the West Coast have led to an explosion of black humour on the US internet bulletin boards.
The latest example comes in the form of a spoof news item – about the US firm Fenwick & West, which subsequently announced the lay-off of 32 associates.
"Silicon Valley firm Fenwick & West confirmed previously announced statements that it would lay off no associates despite the severe downturn,"
it begins.
The item – purportedly by West Coast legal organ The Recorder – goes on to reveal the firm's decision to increase its "famous" perk programme by encouraging associates to visit its new condominiums at various exotic beach locations.
"Fenwick associates should feel free to swim all they want," the firm's chairman, Gordon Davidson, is quoted as saying, before calling on his staff to splash vigorously in chest deep water. Naturally, according to the story, Davidson "denied that the firm had selected locations for the new condominiums based on their proximity to recent fatal or near-fatal shark attacks".