Far be it from Legal Week to admit that we only got half the story, but The Diary's 10 January unveiling of the Unofficial Hacks' Guide to Managing PRs was slightly less exclusive than we first thought.

First, it was drawn to our attention that it was actually produced by the Fleet Street UK Media Forum at www.fleetstreet.org.uk. Second, we learn, it has a companion guide for puff-meisters wanting to impress journalists.

So in the interests of balance, we reproduce some of its advice. Follow it at your peril.

- Follow up all press releases with phone calls. Journalists often lose things and like to be reminded.

- Assign your newest recruit to make all phone calls, making sure not to give them any information about the journalists they're calling. Journalists like to talk about themselves.

- When you call journalists, never check if it is a good time or if the journalist is trying to make a deadline. These things are just excuses. Choose your times to call carefully. Always call freelances before 9am or after 7pm, when you're sure they're at home working and will be in a receptive mood. This leaves you free to call staff during office hours.

- Any journalist who has been the recipient of a client company's gift, such as a company pen or t-shirt, is eternally in your debt and should not be allowed to forget this largesse. Out of gratitude, they will respond with good coverage for your client.

- Always be positive and firm. Journalists need you more than you need them.