Allen & Overy's PR head Iain Rodger has admitted to The Diary that his staff vetting procedures are not up to scratch following last week's revelation that his head of banking PR Sean Twomey is actually an old lag currently residing in a Nevada jail (you heard it here first…).

Our alarming discovery, following an internet search which revealed that a chap by the name of Sean Twomey is languishing in a Nevada federal prison, prompted Rodger to spend a fruitful morning on the 'net making sure the rest of his staff are neither in chokey nor likely to be in the future.

So imagine his surprise to discover that A&O's Asia PR man Will Hulbert appears to have founded the US National Baseball League in 1876.
However, according to Hulbert's credentials, he is unlikely to cause a major incident as he is "credited with establishing respectability, integrity and a sound foundation for the league with his relentless opposition to betting, rowdiness and other prevalent abuses that threatened the sport".