Something tells The Diary that Morgan Cole's chairman, John Cole, isn't too enamoured with the legal press.

At least that's the distinct impression one gets from a perusal of the internal e-mail he sent around to the firm's partners explaining the circumstances behind the departure of chief executive David Main as part of a shake up of the firm's management.

"I have no doubt that the legal press will seek to spin something negative into the developments (and especially into David's departure)," he says gloomily. "I do not in any way see them in that light, and nor does the board, for the reasons set out in the press release.

"That said, the board is very aware of the negative impact which incoherent and ill-informed articles can have on those who are working hard to create the premier league firm which the firm's strategy will deliver."

Clearly, our man Cole needs some cheering up. Which is why we have written a special news story just for him. Hope it does the trick…