Legal Week has teamed up with legal recruiter Graham Gill to test the interpretive skills of top graphologist Diane Simpson. Each week we give her a sample of a leading lawyer's scribblings and ask her to analyse it.

This week's target is Slaughter & May's corporate partner Nigel Boardman. This is what his handwriting revealed: To set the scene he turned the paper sideways in order to give himself more space in which to 'perform', which just about sums up how this writer tackles anything i.e. takes control and does it his own way. This is not someone who willingly follows in anyone else's footsteps! Ask him to complete something begun by someone else and [if and when he agreed to take over - no easy assumption] he will make it entirely his own.

Driven by instinctual needs, he is restless and in need of constant variety and change. He does nothing by halves. Highly intuitive, many of his best ideas spring from what he feels rather than what he knows. In fact I note that certain of his inner convictions appear to exist independently of logic and [most importantly] are reliable. He finds that he knows almost without knowing and so is able to take advantage of change with amazing alacrity.