Lawyers usually think they are pretty damned important, but sometimes telling the odd porky or benefiting from handy misunderstandings can give that little extra kudos.

Take Herbert Smith partner Gavin Davies, who according to The Diary's moles has been literally eating out on his name for years.

Well, not exactly his name, more Gavyn Davies, former Goldie Sachs guru, BBC bigwig and all-round mover 'n' shaker.

"It is great, you even get seats in 'fully-booked' restaurants," Gav says.

One memorable incident involved an informal call to get hold of a mate who had just started grafting at a big City bank. So impressed was the person taking the message that Gavi(y)n Davies had called, they promptly announced it over the office intercom.

So did Gavin's mucker let his banking colleagues know it was a mere lawyer on the line?

Did he f***!