In-house lawyers have the job that many lawyers aspire to, and say they are more contented than their private practice counterparts. A survey of Legal Week readers conducted by recruiters Pure Legal suggests that working as a corporate counsel meets the expectations of those who have made the move from a law firm to an in-house role.

The poll, which drew responses from almost 200 lawyers, represented a wide range of ages, experience and legal backgrounds. Working as a lawyer in commerce and industry was universally popular among the varied voters; when asked where they could see themselves working, a resounding 51% voted for working in-house, followed by 30% of respondents who said they could see themselves working in regional firms.

In contrast, of those respondents not working in the magic circle, only 13% could see themselves working in the magic circle. The image the magic circle firms have is in clear contrast to the profile in-house legal departments enjoy. "It is important for the larger firms to demonstrate that they offer much more than a long-hours work culture," Pure Legal consultant Bryn Bowden said.