There are other technologies that can carry more complex, detailed messages. There are other delivery systems that are easier to use, less limited in scope and arguably far more secure. There can be few means of communication that rely on such an unwieldy and inefficient data input process as mobile phone text messaging. And yet, the medium is one whose impact on society has been enormous over the past few years.

Telephone-based short-messaging service (SMS), to give it its full name, has grown up, donned a suit and marched straight into the board room of many commercial organisations. Anyone who thinks it is useful only for spotty, awkward teenagers with a lamentable grasp on grammar and punctuation is living in an ivory tower.

Make no mistake about it: SMS is potentially a powerful medium for any business and its power stems from its ubiquity. Never mind that Tony Blair recently admitted to having only just sent his first text message. Who cares that the message is limited to just 160 characters of plain, unformatted text, plus the odd small attachment? Unlike any other means of disseminating the written word electronically, SMS can hold its head high and honestly claim that it reaches nearly every adult human in the western world.