Personally, The Diary blames Bridget Jones and her vaguely comedic pursuit of hunky barrister Mark Darcy for the increasing number of female solicitors whose heads are being turned by various buff bods at the Bar.

Naturally, most are far too professional to let sudden surges of oestrogen interfere with their work. Except, that is, for the solicitor who briefed Philip Havers QC of One Crown Office Row – in the hope that he would prove "as dishy" as his treacle-voiced actor brother, Nigel.

Sadly, it seems said solicitor is destined to remain a singleton a little while longer, admitting only to having been "very impressed by [Havers'] tremendous pragmatism and superb negotiating skills".

The Diary knows a euphemism when it hears one, but that is surely stretching it a bit. In the meantime, readers can decide on their favourite Havers for themselves.