About 2,700 years ago, the Etruscans started building the city of Rome. Originally emigrants due to famine in their homelands, they brought with them a wide range of skills in engineering, medicine, divining and the plastic arts (using materials that can be moulded or modulated in some way). Their understanding of medicine and health prompted their ingenuity in designing drainage and water delivery solutions. They favoured teamwork, collaboration and strong alliances.

For a time, the Etruscans coexisted with the Romans, but the Etruscans were finally absorbed by their neighbours and their art and beliefs were promptly discarded. But their practical skills were adopted and, for a long time, considered Roman rather than Etruscan.

You might be forgiven for thinking that I am about to relate this story to the potential waning of litigation in favour of mediation, but in fact the last thing I hope for is the decline of effective litigation. It is an important part of a democratic society. I wish to propose something else – that the intangible strengths, the artistry and magic of mediation, the very strengths that are at the heart of its success, are at risk of being discarded or marginalised in favour of pragmatic, practical and 'measurable' strengths.