Incoming Bar Council chairman Geoffrey Vos QC is to launch a consultation on the extent of the Bar's regulatory remit as the body gears up for sweeping reform of the UK's legal services market.

Unveiling his agenda for 2007 when he takes up the role as Bar Council chairman, Vos on Monday (11 December) announced the launch of a consultation to gauge how far the profession's self-regulatory powers should go.

A key issue is expected to be the extent of the Bar's watchdog remit for the UK's 3,000 employed barristers and what role the Bar should take for barristers working in the alternative business structure once the new Legal Services Bill comes into force.

At a speech in London, Vos outlined a progressive agenda for when he takes up his term from Stephen Hockman QC on 1 January.

Vos promised to reposition the Bar to deal with major challenges contained in the bill, outlining a progressive stance for the body.
Vos expressly welcomed this year's creation of the independent Bar Standards Board to take on the Bar Council's regulatory brief.

However, he vowed to continue the campaign for the Bar to retain its complaints-handling brief, which currently looks set to be transferred to a new independent body.

Vos, the head of commercial set 3 Stone Buildings, also promised to campaign for greater diversity in the Bar, citing the ongoing review of access to the profession by Court of Appeal judge Sir David Neuberger.

"If there is one message for the future of the Bar as I see it, it is that we must devote ourselves to pursuit of quality," said Vos. "If we can demonstrate to the public that we provide the highest standards of service, the future of our profession will be assured."