Polish lawyers are confident that controversial legislation that would cap legal fees at just A70 (£47.30) per hour will be dropped, although political uncertainty has blurred the timeline for a final decision.

Local lawyers have told Legal Week they believe the attempt to cap fees will be unsuccessful following a sustained lobbying campaign which saw the UK Law Society join forces with a number of top City law firms, including Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance and Linklaters, to hold talks with the Polish Ministry of Justice.

One Warsaw partner commented: "It is very unlikely that they will get the legislation through. It contravenes laws in both Poland and Europe and there is a lot of opposition from the international firms and some of the local firms here."

However, lawyers may have to wait for a final decision on the issue. The legislation is scheduled to be discussed in the country's parliament over the autumn but the future of Poland's coalition government is currently so uncertain that an election may be called, postponing the debate on the matter.

The legislation is controversial as it could provoke an exodus of the raft of international firms that have set up shop in Warsaw.