The UK's new Supreme Court kicked off its search for a chief executive this week, with a nationwide advertising campaign.

The chief executive will also be responsible for the organisation of the new court when it opens for business in October 2009. The post holds a salary of £100,000 and will be responsible for around 50 staff and around £12m of annual running costs.

A panel consisting of three current law lords, an independent lay-person and a civil service commissioner will interview potential candidates.

The appointment will be made next April and will see the chief executive work alongside law lords, House of Lords officials and the Ministry of Justice Supreme Court implementation team on the establishment of the new court.

The new Supreme Court will act as the final court of appeal in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, hearing civil and criminal cases from all three regions. Under the plans, current law lords will be the first justices of the 12-member court.

Lord Chancellor Jack Straw has announced he will adopt a new appointments process for Justices of the Supreme Court, in a bid to create greater transparency and competition for the positions.

All new judges appointed to the Supreme Court will become justices of the Supreme Court rather than members of the House of Lords.