Five's director of legal and business affairs Colin Campbell has announced that he is to retire at the end of the year, leaving his role to be split between two existing members of the channel's executive team.

Campbell joined legacy company Channel Five in 1997 from the BBC's broadcast division, where he was head of business affairs. He was formerly group director of legal affairs at Central Television and a legal adviser at ACC Media Empire.

Campbell will not be replaced and his role is to be divided between Five's managing director of content Lisa Opie, and head of legal and regulatory compliance Paul Chinnery, who is to be promoted to the position of head of legal affairs and company secretary.

Campbell said he was looking forward to giving himself the time and freedom to pursue other ambitions.

Five chief executive Jane Lighting said: "I would like to thank Colin for his tremendous service to Five over the past 10 years. He will be greatly missed by everyone at Five and within the industry."

Five was launched in 1997 as the UK's fifth terrestrial channel and has a legal team of 12 lawyers and support staff.