Project finance specialist Jamie Logie was the first UK lawyer to join bona fide Wall Street legend Sullivan & Cromwell

Why did you become a lawyer?

Scottish schools careers guidance when I was 16. "Doing OK in exams, too squeamish for medicine… study law." Non-vocational education was apparently unheard of. It worked out fine though.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

My wife, who has been fantastically supportive throughout my career. Jeremy Lansdell, the first partner I worked for at Norton Rose. He not only patiently taught me a good deal about being a transactional lawyer, but also how important it is to be courteous to everyone involved.

What's your proudest professional moment?

You mean apart from participating in Dealmaker? Seeing a number of UK solicitors in Sullivan's London office come up through the ranks and make it to partnership. I am very pleased to have played a part, however small, in the development of the UK side of the firm's practice.

…and worst day on the job?

9/11. Horrible to witness live coverage surrounded by so many colleagues with friends and family in New York.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you most admire and why?

Rather than single out individuals, I would note that I have recently worked on chunky projects with firms including, among others, Latham & Watkins, Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy and White & Case and have found the lawyers there a pleasure to deal with.

What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait?

The latter would be my over-developed Scottish modesty… which makes it impossible to answer the former!

What's your strongest card – technical wizardry or smooth client skills (you can only pick one)?

Do you mean legal wizardry, or the ability to execute a step-over, swerve round three defenders and curve the ball into the back of the net from 30 yards? In either case, I would have to say client skills – not sure about the 'smooth' bit though.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out?

Dig into the deal issues and problems yourself rather than relying on those more senior to come up with all the solutions. It will be more fun the more involved you are. Once you start to enjoy the challenges and problem-solving, it becomes much easier to cope with the hard work.

Why should ambitious young lawyers join Sullivan?

They will work on a wide variety of interesting and challenging deals, rather than over-specialising too soon.

What's the worst corporate event you've ever attended?

An awards ceremony a few years ago at which a table from a certain major City firm insisted on booing every time Sullivan & Cromwell won anything.

Most memorable deal you ever have worked on and why?

The YTL project in Malaysia back in the early 1990s. Although I did not realise it at the time, it was Asia's first independent power project and one of the region's first project financings. With no obvious template, and real time pressure, we had to pull out all the stops. It gave me a real taste for big, challenging projects.

What's the best piece of advice Rodgin Cohen has ever given you?

If I had asked him, he might have suggested not answering most of these questions! Rodge leads more by example, though, working hard as a transactional lawyer rather than encouraging us all to become glorified managers and count the paperclips.

What will be the most significant market trend in terms of your practice area over the next 12 months?

Maybe I am being too optimistic but the price and scarcity of oil, gas and other commodities seem likely to maintain the momentum for natural resource and energy projects, particularly in the Middle East, Russia/CIS and Africa. In a volatile market, infrastructure assets will also remain attractive to investors.

What was it like being the first UK lawyer to join a certified Wall Street legend?

Very nice, thank you! Being the first made the proposition rather compelling.

What is the daftest bit of projects-related jargon you've heard (and did you smirk)?

Projects work is dominated by pragmatic engineers, geologists and other people with real jobs, so jargon is more technical than daft. I am less likely to smirk than to nod knowledgably, then rush off to find out what it all meant.

What's your favourite item of clothing?

My Lange ski boots, a few years old, nicely packed out and something of a health hazard.

What's your favourite cheese?

A tangy Chevre from Val de Bagnes in Switzerland.