Slaughter and May's new head of corporate, Frances Murphy, on eureka moments, clay pigeon shooting and not being fluffy

Why did you become a lawyer?

I considered medicine, but that didn't involve enough blood so I turned to law…

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

Two of my now former partners – Nick Wilson, for the delights of innovative thinking and 'eureka' moments; and Tim Freshwater, for dedication to clients and the art of negotiation.

What's your proudest professional moment?

Becoming a partner.

… and worst day on the job?

When I was a few months' qualified, having to persuade the night porter to interrupt a partners' meeting to tell Nick I had missed a plane en route to a first meeting with a new client.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you most admire and why?

Atticus Finch – for integrity and compassion – important characteristics for lawyers in all practice areas.

What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait?

My BlackBerry addiction – for both!

How do you think assistants in your team see you?

That would depend on what time of day it was and whether I've had a caffeine-injection. I hope they think I am interested, approachable and – to use the old advertising slogan – that I won't make a drama out of a crisis.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out?

Don't get carried away with the excitement of the deal – sometimes you have to say: 'don't'.

What misconceptions do trainees have about Slaughters when they join?

That we are all out of one mould.

What's the toughest ethical/moral dilemma your job has ever presented you with?

I have wiped any from my memory.

What's the worst corporate event you've ever attended?

Clay pigeon shooting – I failed to hold the gun tightly enough and ended up with a very bruised shoulder.

What's your strongest card – technical wizardry or smooth client skills (you can only pick one)?

Smooth technical wizardry.

What most annoys you about the legal profession?

Lawyers who 'showboat'.

What's the best part of your job?

Finishing deals.

How do you sell yourself to potential clients?


Most memorable deal you ever have worked on and why?

Project Angel in 1993 – I married the client two years later.

Slaughters has lots of the City's best-known female lawyers – yourself, Elizabeth Barrett, Sara Luder, Deborah Finkler, Nilufer von Bismarck. What's the secret? Is there a secret?

And we've just elected three more women to the partnership. Must be something in the water! Or maybe it is because we are not interested in gender – just in merit.

As the first woman to lead one of the City's leading corporate teams, do you feel any pressure to be a role model or is all that just fluff?

No-one has ever described me as fluffy.

Who is Slaughters' funniest partner?

For me, William Underhill is not only one of our smartest partners but also takes the crown as the wittiest.

What's the best piece of advice or insight Nigel Boardman has ever given you?

Be kind to journalists.

Do you see yourself having a career outside law?

One day! I am a trustee of the National Foundation for Educational Research – so my second career may be more pro bono.

What's your favourite item of clothing?

My son Richard's 'lucky' Arsenal shirts.

What's your favourite cheese?

Gorgonzola – the stronger the better.