Water and sewage regulator Ofwat is reviewing its external legal advisers as it moves to set up its first-ever legal panel.

The regulator is in the early stages of setting up a roster of legal advisers and is inviting firms to tender for a position.

The body, which is hoping to reduce its legal expenditure, has not yet decided on the size of the panel and is also considering having a number of sub-panels in a similar fashion to other regulatory bodies including electricity and gas regulatory Ofgem.

An Ofwat spokesman told Legal Week: "We are at the start of the process of deciding whether to set up a panel of legal advisers for the first time, taking account of our costs and efficiencies. We currently only retain law firms where there is a need and relevance in our work."

Ofwat was one of the first governmental departments to sign up to centralised legal panel L-Cat, which was subsequently replaced by Catalist.

Ofwat is regarded as one of the UK's more sophisticated watchdogs, last month announcing proposals to fine water giant Severn Trent Water £35.8m for providing false information.

Ofwat is also looking to boost its in-house legal team as it prepares to use its new regulatory powers to investigate and fine companies.

The body's seven-strong legal team is currently led by director of legal services Huw Brooker.

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