Maclay Murray & Spens has landed a role opposite Anglo-American Mayer Brown on the £350m acquisition of meat supplier Grampian Country Food Group by Vion.

Scottish leader Maclays took the lead role for Grampian, with Aberdeen chief Alastair Wyper leading the team. Corporate consultant Mark Aspery assisted from the firm's London office.

Meanwhile, Mayer Brown global vice chairman Paul Maher led a team advising Dutch-based meat processor Vion, with corporate partner Henrietta Walker and associate Kate Eades assisting.

Linklaters also scored a role on the deal, advising Vion on competition matters, with competition partner Bernd Meyring leading a team. Vion is a regular client for the magic circle law firm.

The deal marks Mayer Brown's second instruction for Vion, with the firm first taking a role last year in Vion's purchase of a majority stake in sausage manufacturers J&J Tranfield. The acquisition strengthens Vion's UK position, where it currently operates in the fresh pork, bacon and sausage markets. The takeover will be subject to competition approval.