The Bar Council and Law Society are drawing up plans to launch in the Middle East as part of a symbolic move to position the UK profession in the key foreign market.

The Bar Council is considering a number of options to ensure the Gulf states have better access to UK law and is considering opening up a branch in Dubai.

A decision is likely to take place by the end of the year but other possibilities would see a representative travelling there on a regular basis or a phone line to a dedicated Middle East team set up within the Bar Council's UK offices.

In May a Bar Council delegation, led by chairman Tim Dutton QC, went on a week-long tour of the Middle East to strengthen links between the UK and local legal professions.

The Law Society is also investigating the possibility of opening an office in the Middle East citing that a presence on the ground would show commitment to the region.

There has been some suggestion that the Law Society and Bar Council could agree a joint initiative to save costs.