Field Fisher Waterhouse's technology supremo Michael Chissick on lycra tops, zorbing and 'plogs'

Why did you become a lawyer?

I would like to say a desire to change the world by fighting injustice, but like most lawyers I kind of fell into law – more luck than judgement.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

I have been working in the law for over 20 years and have met a lot of inspirational people along the way. Chris Arnheim, who I worked with at Hopkins & Wood in the early 1990s, taught me a lot about developing a legal practice. Moira Gilmour has been very influential as Field Fisher's managing partner.

What's your proudest professional moment?

There have been a few but the ones that will always stick in my mind are being made partner and my practice reaching the top tier in the legal directories – we were considered to be young upstarts in the early days and it was great to finally be recognised alongside more established firms in technology law.

…and worst day on the job?

When I was a young trainee I was sent to a client's house in Chelsea to get some documents signed. I was so overwhelmed by the lavish surroundings and the hospitality I was offered that it was only when I returned to the office that I found I had left without the vital signature.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you most admire and why?

Richard Kemp at Kemp Little. He was a pioneering technology lawyer back when it was known as computer law with a complete focus on exceeding client expectations.

What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait?

A chameleon-like ability to adapt to different people and circumstances.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out?

You need to have a strong interest in your specialist area and be really passionate about what you do. Always approach every task giving 110%, even if it is not the most exciting task. Treating others you work with as you would wish to be treated will always stand you in good stead.

What's the best part of your job?

Seeing people I work with progress and do well. It's great to see someone who you have worked with since they were a trainee move up to partner.

What's the toughest ethical/moral dilemma your job has ever presented you with?

During the dotcom boom days of 1997-2001 we got asked to represent many interesting clients in the gaming and pornography industries, sometimes on an equity for fees basis, which raised some challenging issues.

What most annoys you about the legal profession?

I'm not a big fan of awards ceremonies – except when we win.

What's your strongest card – technical wizardry or smooth client skills (you can only pick one)?

I like to think I'm more of a technical wizard although the challenges I found in programming the electronic programme guide on my new hard drive recorder indicates that maybe it is smooth client skills.

Any weird hobbies?

I wish I could say something like interesting like zorbing or kite surfing but what I really enjoy is sitting on a beach in the sun with a paper.

Most memorable deal you ever have worked on and why?

I remember working on a deal with an American partner when we stayed up for three days and two nights without sleep. The sleep deprivation led to some rather bizarre behaviour, and I learnt then that it's really not wise to go more than 24 hours without sleep.

What is the daftest bit of IT jargon you've heard (and did you smirk)?

A 'plog'. This is a password-protected, web-based project log that lets team members share progress and updates on group projects.

What will be the most significant market trend in terms of your practice area over the next 12 months?

The number of scandals involving the loss of data over the last year mean privacy and information law are going to continue to grow in importance. Data security is also going to be a big factor as cloud computing emerges as the next big thing.

Do you see yourself having a career outside law?

Now that I have had laser eye surgery and have got rid of my glasses, maybe I can become a supermodel…

What's your favourite item of clothing?

My lycra tops from my clubbing days – enough said.

What's your favourite cheese?

I have an almost completely vegan diet, so vegan cheesecake is my idea of a naughty dessert.

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