Tuca, Zbarcea & Associatii managing partner Florentin Tuca on fulfilling his lifelong dreams, fishing and pretending to know about cheese

Why did you become a lawyer?

Because I was really keen on mathematics, chess and rhetoric. And there's another reason: one of the films that made quite an impression on me in my early career as a 'film buff' was 12 Angry Men. As a child I was fascinated by the character played by Henry Fonda, in particular the rigour of his demonstration and his power to persuade.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

Probably the lawyer Gheorghe Musat. I started my career by his side and we worked together for more than 12 years.

What is your proudest professional moment?

When Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii was included in the Financial Times' 'FT Law 50′. We were the only Eastern European law firm to be recognised in the report. I remember that I was taking this short holiday at the time, fishing salmon in Norway. When I got the message, I put the fishing rod down and sat down on the shore. I was so excited. In a little more than two years, me and my colleagues had accomplished something extraordinary.

… and worst day on the job?

The day when I had to leave the team I had worked with in order to set up the new firm in March 2005.

What is the most common cultural misunderstanding when working on deals between Romania and the UK?

From UK lawyers: prejudice that the communist regime left the Romanians completely brain-washed. From Romanian lawyers: prejudice that there are no French restaurants in London.

What is your strongest characteristic… band worst trait?

My pride.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you admire most and why?

I have been privileged to work with and learn from some very talented people. In particular, I would mention Michel Lequien, a partner with Ashurst in Paris, an amazing lawyer and a close friend of mine for more than 10 years. I also admire Catalin Baiculescu, a superb lawyer and a very good manager. And Florian Nitu, for the same qualities and for his courage.

How do you sell yourself in client pitches?

Most of the time, we 'sell' our expertise, the firm's profile and the individual experience of our team members.

I do not recall any particular cases when I had to place a special emphasis on my own capacities and abilities.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out?

To be armed with a lot of patience – holidays in Hawaii come only after closing a deal.

What's the best part of your job?

This one reminds me of my little daughter's answer to the question: "What do you like most in the second grade?", "The breaks." Joking apart, the most beautiful part of my job is the time of demonstration: building up a theory and structuring a transaction.

What most annoys you about the legal profession in Romania?

Having to explain to certain clients that sometimes a trial may take as long as seven years and that, in Romania, emergency ordinances may be issued even in cases when there is no emergency.

What will be the most significant market trend in terms of your practice area over the next 12 months?

Well, in terms of Romania as a whole, I'd love to say that infrastructure would just get better, because I spend a whole day traveling to the Danube Delta every time I go fishing. It's a wish that will probably remain unfulfilled due to bankruptcies and liquidations.

What would you do if you were not a lawyer?

When I was a child, I wanted to become a pilot. During the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, I dreamt of being a sports commentator.

At school, inspired by the gift of my teachers, I wanted to become a teacher and then a writer. I became what I wanted to be: I pilot (a law firm), I provide commentary (on law), I teach (young lawyers) and I write (contracts and answers to questions).

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In a library, I hope, trying to catch up with all that I missed in the years when books were replaced by management, training, contract negotiations and evening talk-shows.

Sadly, I shall probably find myself constrained by the same kind of -imperatives.

What is the best lawyer joke you've heard?

A lawyer dies aged 47, goes to Heaven and starts complaining to Holy Archangel Gabriel: "Your Holiness, why was I taken so young, this is not fair." Gabriel answers: "This is not true, you are not so young, you are 95 years old." "What? There must be some kind of mistake, I can show you my birth certificate," says the lawyer. Gabriel: "Well, I just revised your timesheets."

Where do you usually take your summer holiday?

France. I love Provence, Cezanne, goat cheese and red wine.

Global firms – what do you think of them?

They are quite good…

What is your favourite cheese?