The latest round of QC appointments has been announced today (19 February), with more than a hundred barristers claiming the elite kitemark.

One hundred and four out of a total of 247 applicants have been awarded QC status, a success rate of 42% – a significant increase on the 2007-08 figure of 29%.

This year's appointment process has been carried out over 12 months, after the 2007-08 process took 18 months to complete. At the time, Bar Council chairman Timothy Dutton told Legal Week that his intention was to maintain an annualised appointments system.

Among those awarded silk include 16 women from a total of 29 female applicants – the highest-ever success rate (55%) for women in a silk round.

Four out of 15 ethnic minority applicants and three out of four solicitor-advocate applicants have also been awarded QC status.

Baroness Butler-Sloss, interim chairman of the QC selection panel, said: "I should like to congratulate the new QCs. I also have an important message for those applicants who were not successful on this occasion. The standard for appointment is very high. If you have not been appointed that does not mean that you are not a valued and perfectly competent advocate."

QC selection 2009: the list in full

  • Raquel Agnello
  • Benjamin Adejuwon Olufemi Aina
  • Maureen Anne Baker
  • John Peter Beggs
  • Simon Christopher Bird
  • Nicholas James Hugh Bowen
  • Peter John Brannigan
  • Christopher John Bright
  • Paul Martin Brown
  • Neil St Clair Cameron
  • Susan Claire Campbell
  • Bruce Conrad Carr
  • Alain Choo-Choy
  • Christopher Clee
  • Philip Antony Coppel
  • Nicholas Neville Grylls Cusworth
  • Simon Nicholas Davenport
  • Simon Neil Denison
  • Simon Peter Devonshire
  • Jude Dexter Dias
  • Philip David Edey
  • Peter Anthony Finnigan
  • Jervis Andrew Fisher
  • Peter Donald Fraser
  • Steven Gasztowicz
  • Mark McHallam George
  • Judith Ann Elizabeth Gill
  • Richard Michael Glover
  • Michael Anthony Green
  • Richard Neil Handyside
  • Richard Anthony Harding
  • Simon John Robert Hargreaves
  • Richard Simon Hermer
  • Nicholas Mark Hill
  • Thomas Patrick James Hill
  • Timothy John Hill
  • Piers Alexandra Hilliard
  • Paul Andrew Hopkins
  • Mark George Hoskins
  • Craig Howell Williams
  • Benedict John Wakelin Hubble
  • Ignatius Loyola Hughes
  • Ann Elizabeth Hussey
  • Andrew Jefferies
  • David Benjamin Josse
  • Stephen Eric Jourdan
  • Hugo George Keith
  • Paul Robert Keleher
  • Alan Peter Kent
  • Graham Roy Knowles
  • Philip Alan Kolvin
  • Christina Caroline Lambert
  • Rachel Langdale
  • Robert John Lawson
  • Adam Valentine Shervey Lewis
  • Andrew William Lewis
  • David William Lord
  • Paul David Lowenstein
  • Alan John Maclean
  • Richard Austin Mansell
  • Charles Peter Manzoni
  • David Georges Mainfroy Marks
  • Gillian Matthews
  • Iain Charles Morley
  • Leigh-Ann Maria Mulcahy
  • Andrew Graham Neish
  • Paul Lance Newman
  • Mary Bernadette O'Rourke
  • Wendy Jane Outhwaite
  • Nicholas Christopher Peacock
  • Anthony Nicholas George Peto
  • Stephen James Phillips
  • Christopher James Pocock
  • Albert John Price
  • Stuart Rafferty
  • Fergus Mark Harry Randolph
  • Michael Edward Rawlinson
  • Penelope Jane Reed
  • Graham Joseph Reeds
  • Peter John Rees
  • Andrew George Ritchie
  • Jennifer Mary Roberts
  • Aidan Malcolm David Robertson
  • Daphne Irene Romney
  • Charles Stephen Samek
  • Jeffrey Keith Samuels
  • Christopher Frank Smith
  • Joanna Angela Smith
  • Simon Peter Spence
  • Samuel Stein
  • Romano Francesco Subiotto
  • Michael John Tappin
  • Richard Frazer Todd
  • Daniel Ze'ev Toledano
  • Stephen Richard Tromans
  • David Benjamin Turner
  • Justin John Turner
  • Mark James Vanhegan
  • Stephen Paul Walsh
  • Anthony Dennis Watson
  • David Wolfson
  • Robert Andrew Philip Woodcock
  • Mark Charles Wyeth
  • Mohammed Khalil Zaman