Ashurst managing partner Simon Bromwich is coming to the end of his second term in office, with the firm's management board expected to reappoint him in the autumn.

Bromwich's second term in office is due to end in January 2010, with a decision expected from the eight-member management board in either October or November.

It is expected within the firm that Bromwich will be reappointed, with Ashurst unlikely to formally consult with partners about the decision.

In contrast to the senior partner role, which is an elected position, at Ashurst the managing partner post is an appointment by the management board.

Bromwich was originally named managing partner in 2004 after only five years as a partner with Ashurst. He replaced Justin Spendlove in the position and was reappointed in January 2007.

Bromwich has presided over significant growth at Ashurst during the bulk of his tenure, with the firm in 2008 becoming part of an elite club where partners took home more than £1m. However, revenues and profits have suffered during the downturn with the firm reporting a 7% drop in turnover in 2008-09 against a 35% fall in profits per equity partner to £673,000.

The firm has expanded significantly internationally, in January launching in Hong Kong while fully entering the US legal market in February with the recruitment of a 32-lawyer structured finance team, including 11 partners from McKee Nelson.

One Ashurst partner said: "I think Simon will stay on. Whatever the outcome though the decision as to whether he stays on will be very much his own."

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