Gide Loyrette Nouel has elected its head of international, Christophe Eck, as its new firmwide managing partner, with the appointment set to take effect from 1 January next year.

The Paris-based corporate partner, who oversees the firm's international strategy, will replace current head Xavier de Kergommeaux, who will return to full-time fee earning after serving three two-year terms in the role.

Eck was elected in a partnership vote in June, which also saw senior partner Pierre Raoul-Duval re-elected for a second two-year term. It is understood that Eck stood against Paris-based M&A partner Serge Tatar.

London managing partner Colin Mercer commented: "The firm will continue to be extremely international and entrepreneurial in its outlook because Christophe has always been a big supporter of the international side of the firm – and so is our senior partner."

The most recent international expansion for Gide was the launch of a finance practice in the Hong Kong office this summer, which will see Mercer splitting his time between London and Hong Kong to shore up the practice.

Mercer said: "Gide is the only French firm with a large presence outside of France and developing the international network will be a big part of the firm going forward. Certainly China will be a key jurisdiction."

Gide has 23 offices outside France, most significantly in Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa and China.

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