"I am a third year law student at a top 10 university looking to go into public law at the Bar.

"I have asked around and it seems that the area I am most interested in, judicial review, is deeply competitive. I've begun to wonder if a Masters in Law would help me both in finding pupillage and in advancing my career when I (hopefully) become a tenant.

"I'm aware that it would cost a large fee and, as I took a gap year and an erasmus year, would move the beginning of my career back by yet another year. This has led me to worry that an LLM, coupled with the other 'off' year, will give the impression that I am workshy, and disadvantage me.

"If it would really benefit my career I would have no problem with the cost or the time (in fact, I think I'd really enjoy the LLM), but if there would be little discernible benefit I'm not sure I could justify it…"

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