Winckworth Sherwood is advising a group of Lloyds Banking Group shareholders on their legal action over the handling of the takeover of HBOS by Lloyds Bank TSB.

The Lloyds Action Now group claim they were misled over a £25.4bn emergency Bank of England loan to HBOS in October 2008, and have sent demands for compensation to the Treasury, former Lloyds chairman Sir Victor Blank and current chief executive Eric Daniels.

Lloyds shareholders have lost between £1.50 and £3 per share since the HBOS deal and subsequent part-nationalisation of the bank, equating to a collective £14bn decrease in the value of their shares.

Lloyds Action Now currently comprises around 500 of Lloyds' 800,000 shareholders.

The Winckworth team is being led by litigation head Jim Rai, while the firm has instructed Nigel Jones QC and Paul Reed QC of Hardwicke Building.

Rai commented: "There can be no doubt that the fact of the £25.4bn loan 'of last resort' made by the Bank of England to keep HBOS afloat in October 2008, and before shareholders approved the merger a month later, was a misrepresentation of the facts and contrary to law. The loan was not only being kept secret for the possible advantage of the UK banking system, but so that Lloyds Bank TSB shareholders were not put off the proposed acquisition of HBOS."

Lloyds Action Now has appointed South African silk Johan du Toit SC of Selborne Chambers as counsel.

Lloyds Banking Group has stated it will launch a robust defence against the legal action.

A spokesperson commented: "We provided thorough and appropriate information to shareholders about our liquidity position and that of HBOS including the general use of Government backed liquidity schemes. We disclosed the fact of the support. We disclosed the fact that it was significant. We disclosed the fact that if such support was not available, there would be a material impact on the solvency of the business. That was, in the view of the Board, thorough and appropriate disclosure."

The Treasury and other defendants have 90 days to respond to the letter from Lloyds Action Now, with Rai estimating that the case could take some 12 to 18 months if it reaches court.

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