Taylor Wessing is the latest firm to post a dip in turnover for the 2009-10 financial year, with the Anglo-German firm's UK and global revenue both falling over the period.

The firm's UK turnover was down by 7.3%, to £84.5m from £91.2m last year. However, average profits per equity partner (PEP) increased by 4.6% from £435,000 in 2008-09 to £455,000 in the last financial year.

Globally, the firm has yet to calculate average partner profits while the overall turnover saw a drop by 5.3% from £188m to £178m.

Commenting on the results, UK managing partner Tim Eyles said: "We are very happy with the steady growth in profits that these numbers manifest. They demonstrate a consistent stream of quality work and a strong level of financial control in a difficult market.

"We believe the legal sector is on the brink of huge change. Accordingly, we have focused this year on clarifying our international strategy in terms of industry sector focus and geographies for expansion as well as practice areas of expertise to ensure that we are well positioned to take advantage of the changing market."

Last year Taylor Wessing saw a 30% plunge in UK PEP, citing exposure to financial institution clients seeing a slowdown in the real estate, corporate and finance areas.