Marketing across Euro alliance puts CMS ahead of national brands

The CMS network of law firms has taken the next step in its bid to be viewed as a united firm, with lawyers set to be issued with uniformly branded CMS business cards from next month.

The network, which includes CMS Cameron McKenna in the UK, will give precedence to the CMS brand on business cards and marketing material, with the longer firm-specific name only appearing in the small print.

The introduction of new business cards is the last step in a visual rebranding process to more closely integrate the nine-member alliance, which also saw alliance firms headline all marketing material with the CMS banner as of May this year. Lawyers will now pitch the whole alliance to clients as opposed to the services of the individual firms.

The move comes amid a number of steps taken since the CMS firms' convergence vote held in February 2008, which saw the alliance back a move towards further integration.

Other steps already taken have included the launch of a joint intranet earlier this year and the move to visually co-ordinate external websites across the network last year, with the introduction of a CMS-wide lawyer search tool.

In addition, the nine firms last year agreed on a single conflicts database and conflicts policy which is used in addition to the conflicts policies operated within the individual firms.

Camerons managing partner Duncan Weston described the integration process as an "evolution as opposed to a revolution", with the aim to be viewed as a single-identity organisation similar to that of the major accountancy firms.

CMS executive partner Dick Tyler (pictured) said: "We voted in favour of moving towards a more common identity and the business cards are one step in that process. We have a single identity in presenting ourselves to the market but underneath there are separate legal structures. We have taken no decision on changing that structure."

CMS Cameron McKenna on the Legal Week Wiki