Beachcroft has announced the appointment of seven new partners from 1 November, taking partner headcount at the firm to 151.

The national firm has made up three to the partnership in its Bristol office, two in Birmingham and two in Leeds, with the firm's City base not receiving any new partners.

Of the seven promotions, the professional and commercial risk practice receives three new partners, while property risk solutions gains two, and the injury risk and the employment and benefits groups gain one new partner apiece.

Commenting on the promotions, Beachcroft senior partner Simon Hodson also highlighted the firm's significant expansion over the last year, which included the hire of a Halliwells team for its northern health practice, as well as several London hires.

He said: "These promotions reflect our planned programme of targeted growth in our key business areas. Against this background of growth through acquisition it is very rewarding to be able to promote homegrown talent and I'm pleased to say that three of the partners being promoted this year – Charlie Bending, Phil Roberts and Ron Simms – trained with the firm."

The news comes after Beachcroft delayed its partner promotions round from its normal 1 May date this year, with the decision taken against the backdrop of a swathe of hires, as the firm had recruited 13 new partners in the months leading up to the decision.

However, the firm did make up one partner in May at its Irish affiliate Beachcroft Dublin.

The firm also made two partner promotions in November last year, although these were additional to nine May 2009 promotions across the firm's Leeds, London, Bristol and Manchester offices. Of last year's promotions, disputes gained the lion's share.

Beachcroft partner promotions in full

Liz Duley, injury risk, Birmingham
Nick Basi, property risk solutions, Birmingham
Martin Holmes, property risk solutions, Bristol
Charlie Bending, professional & commercial risk, Bristol
Phil Roberts, professional & commercial risk, Bristol
Simon Arnold, professional & commercial risk, Leeds
Ron Simms, employment & pensions, Leeds

For more, see Beachcroft puts back 2010 partner promotions until November